14 March 2005


i'll just come right out and say it. i'm addicted to advice columns. seriously, i can't get enough. currently, i read three different columns. one published daily, one weekly, and the last sporadically. but if these columns were hourly, i would totally be there.

i'm not exactly sure where this addiction began. i do remember in fourth grade that i was assigned to read a column of "dear abby" for a class. i'm not sure WHAT was in the article anymore, but i do know that after that i tried to catch up on "dear abby" when my mom had the paper out after that.

throughout high school, on sundays, i picked out three main sections of the paper. the comics, parade, and flair. the only thing i read in the flair section? "dear abby." sometimes "dear heloise" caught my eye, but innovative ways to decorate a dog's collar or use plastic bags didn't interest me nearly as much as the woman who had two kids by a man who was cheating on her but couldn't decide what to do.

now that i'm hooked up to the internet 8 hours a day, and have a wandering mind and a procrastinating spirit, i make sure i catch up on my sites every day. "dear abby" is always my morning read. tomato nation isn't updated nearly as regularly. although, usually sars updates the site once every few days. this one is an especially great treat because i never know if the visit will be successful or not. when i see the new summary of the vine i get really excited. finally, "dear prudence" is only once a week. usually thursday morning. but sometimes, if i am lucky, i can catch it wednesday night before i leave work. i try not to check this one too often on wednesday nights though, because i save it for my thursday morning treat.

so, basically, i don't know what exactly is wrong with me, but i can't get enough. mostly i think it is just the "thrill" i get from this little invasion of people's lives. people live such different lives than me. people do weird things. and often, they have no idea how to get out of the situations they are trapped in.

so, for now, my addiction runs strong. and really, i hope i con't find any more of these sites that are easily accessible.

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