29 March 2007

a smattering of thoughts on popular culture

(in no particular order)

1. I do not really like Beyonce'. and If I have to listen to that stupid piece of crap song 'Irreplaceable' just ONE more time, I will not be responsible for my actions. Really, I don't even KNOW any other Beyonce' songs, but she just bothers me. A lot.

2. Despite his horrendous hair, Sanjaya CAN sing. Sorry. It's true. I don't vote for him (so, put down those pitchforks and torches...) but remember his audition? That Stevie Wonder song he sang was awesome - he had amazing control. I just think he's too young to be in the competition. So, say what you want about Sanjaya's weird hair, clothing choice, hula skills, mannerisms, etc. You can hate him all you want for those. But honestly? He can sing. Antonella? No. Alaina? No. Season 3's Jasmine Trias who made it to the final three because Hawaii had, like, no one clogging the phone lines? No way. (Did you even WATCH season 3!?) And where was the hate for them? (See Sanjaya? Just fool Hawaii into voting for you and you will stay on a VERY long time.)

3. Kiefer Sutherland? You are so hot.

4. Nikki and Paolo, you are complete idiots. Seriously, what is 8 million dollar's worth of diamonds going to help on a deserted island? Although, it's not like there was much else to do than look for them. Go Karma!

1 comment:

i am not said...

1. I like Beyonce's music, but she bugs me. I went to the dentist on Saturday and that song was playing as I got out of the car, then it was on in the dentist's office, then I heard it again on my way home. Uh, overdone.

2. He could sing on his audition, yes. Does he have a decent voice? Perhaps. He is a horrible performer - probably due to his age - and because of his inexperience he has turned every song he sung into a lounge song...

3. wait - weren't they going to use the diamonds to buy a ride off of the island? Or maybe he could have been somewhat intelligent and thought to use them to bargain with Ben and Juliette via the walkie talkie.

since we didn't see them for 3 seasons before last night, my guess is that after the initial coming out of the grave in two weeks, then we won't see them again - they'll be too busy digging through their grave for all of the diamonds that sawyer scattered over top of them.