um, someone needed to alert me to the fact that you were actually posting on your blog on a regular basis, ahem - Kim. I had you bookmarked and then I finally deleted you because you never wrote anything. Ms. Bauer - you have returned and I am soooo happy:)
By the way, I begged Kim to make me a member of the leozinga family and invite me to the christmas/ny shin digs in HH every year, but for some reason she's being selfish and keeping me out. Something about me not being able to hold my liquor...
i'm kind of a pop culture junkie. although, i can't name any of the members of any band from the nineties or anything. i enjoy critiqing movies, tv, and especially commercials. i HATE bad commercials. but i love to share my thoughts with anyone on the subject. appointment tv includes: 24, amazing race, american idol, lost, the apprentice and any episodes of law and order or law and order:svu that happen to be on tnt.
now, that's more like it.
um, someone needed to alert me to the fact that you were actually posting on your blog on a regular basis, ahem - Kim. I had you bookmarked and then I finally deleted you because you never wrote anything. Ms. Bauer - you have returned and I am soooo happy:)
By the way, I begged Kim to make me a member of the leozinga family and invite me to the christmas/ny shin digs in HH every year, but for some reason she's being selfish and keeping me out. Something about me not being able to hold my liquor...
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